Anti-inflammatories can speed up joint degeneration worsening your dogs condition.
Scientific literature states that NSAIDS (non steroidal anti inflammatories) in both animals and humans have a significantly negative effect on cartilage matrix which causes an acceleration of the deterioration of articular cartilage in arthritic joints.
To read more about the clinical studies click here
So the very drugs we are prescribing to treat arthritis are actually accelerating the disease. So the more NSAIDS you are giving your dog the worse your dogs arthritis is becoming and the more NSAIDS you dog will need.
You see the problem is that its a quick fix, initially. Your dog is in pain and struggling to move. You give them a NSAIDS and they seem happier, the pain and inflammation is taken away. But in the long term there is worsening of their condition as well as possible side effects.
Long term usage of NSAIDS can also cause other side effects such as gastric ulceration, liver problems and digestive problems.
If you are giving NSAIDS to your dog for arthritic pain you need to start looking for natural options to manage your pets pain. (subscribe to my arthritic pet newsletter for more natural ways to help your pet) NSAIDS should be used for short periods of time to relieve a pets pain and discomfort BUT at the same time one needs to find a more long term sustainable solution for decreasing your pets comfort.
I have a 16 year old chihuau cross called Charlie. He doesn’t get any anti inflammatories and pain killers. He is arthritic but he is happy and mobile and I want him to be with me for as long as he can. Here is Charlie doing some of his daily exercises.
If your dog has pain it is an indication that something is wrong.
(Read my blog on how to know if your arthritic pet is in pain)
It is foolish to use any anti inflammatory to merely mask pain when at the same time you are not trying to find a solution to the problem.
There are plenty of clinical studies in humans proving that exercises to help strengthen certain muscle can minimize the pain and improve mobility in arthritis. This is no different for your dog.
For example a study done Van Baar looked at the role of exercise therapy in patients with Arthritis of the knee joint. They found that strengthening the quadriceps muscles lead to improvements in pain and function in these patients. (Ref: Pubmed)
Another study used 20 volunteers with knee arthritis and put them through a 8 week muscle-strengthening program. There was a significant decrease in pain and stiffness, and a significant increase in mobility. (Ref: Pubmed)
You need to start strengthening exercises specifically targeted to strengthen the correct muscles that help to stabilise your pets arthritic joints.
Do it now click here
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