Back Muscle spasm pain is often under treated in pets that are suffering from joint or arthritic conditions. When a dog has a painful joint they change they way that they are walking in order to protect the painful area. This is seen as a limp or a lameness.
A dog will shift its weight to other areas of the body taking the load off the sore area and overloading the other areas.
Overtime this can cause many problems in the body affecting the soft tissue structures, joints and muscles.
Pet suffering from Arthritic or joint conditions can have pain from different sources. In order to treat and manage the pets pain its important we know where the pain is coming from.
- The pain can come from the joints
- Muscles tightness and trigger points
- Pinched nerves as a result of joint imbalances
In this blog I am going to focus on how we treat the muscles.
The muscles in the overloaded area become tight and in spasm causing the pet pain and discomfort.
If a dog has a sore hip then they will shift the weight to the opposite front leg. This puts strain on the muscles in the back and the diagonal front leg.
The back is a common area for muscle spasms as it’s the centre from where all your pets movement comes from.
Those of you that suffer from back pain will understand how debilitating it can be sometimes even to the point of preventing a good nights rest.
When a muscle is tight and in spasm the blood supply is cut off. Blood flows into the muscle when its relaxed and out of the muscle as it contracts. Now if the muscle is in spasm and in continual contraction no blood is going to be able to bring in new oxygen and remove all the toxins that are accumulating in the muscle.
This cut off of the blood supply and the accumulating toxins cause your pet pain. The majority of pain that pets suffering from arthritis experience is actually from these spasming muscles.
If you palpate the muscles on either side of the spine from the shoulders to the pelvis you will notice that in some areas your pet may twitch and react to your pressure. Other areas may just feel tighter and firm to the touch.
All these reactions are signs of muscle tension just differing degrees.
When a muscle is under tension it will become hard and contracted. Overtime the reduced blood supply leads to focal areas called trigger points.
Trigger points are chronic muscle knots that can be very difficult to treat.
Now it takes years to be able to learn the feel of different types of muscle tension but the more you practice the better you will become.
- HEAT THERAPY : Using a heat pack or wheat pack. These are put into the microwave and one can adjust the amount of heat depending on the length of time in the microwave. Place a towel on your pets back and then place the heat pack on top of the towel. Keep checking underneath that it’s not too hot. You don’t want to burn your pet. Heat therapy is contraindicated in pets that have altered sensation. Heat therapy can be very effective and will help improve the blood flow to the muscles bringing in new oxygen and removing the accumulating toxins. It also helps with the pain.
- ACUPRESSURE : Treat the bladder points along the spine. Acupressure helps to release endorphins and serotonins the bodies natural healers. To purchase my Acupressure Ebook click here
- MASSAGE: Best done after the heat therapy for the best effect. Massage improves the blood flow and relaxes the spasming muscles Click here to purchase the online massage course. Learn different techniques of massage and how to manage your pets muscle pain.
- HOMEOPATHY: Traumeel – small dogs (1/2 tab twice daily) large dogs (1 twice daily). This product contains arnica and actually down regulates the inflammation to a level which promotes healing.
- HERBS: Tumeric: well known for it anti-inflammatory properties. click here for the recipe for turmeric paste.
- MAGNETIC THERAPY: If you have a BEMER (pulsed magnetic field therapy) otherwise you can use a static therapy mat. Magnetic therapy help dilate blood vessels improving blood flow. Click here to purchase a magnetic pet pad
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